Dear Wilson

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I am in a mooooood today. It's Saturday and I've borrowed a carpet cleaner and have done some carpets. John's been in the garage all day putting up his mom's old shelves. I'm restless and stressed about John's work situation, my work situation, etc. I know I should feel more settled and not let it get to me, but I feel what I feel! Sound like layoffs are happening next week. We think John will be okay, but the layoffs will be extensive.

We are going to friends for dinner tonight and that should be a fun relief to the tension around here. I know I bring much of it on myself and I'm just not sure how to relieve it. Writing here certainly helps. I'll keep my chin up and focus on an optimistic attitude.

Working on my resume more today -- I did see an interesting virtual instructor position that intrigued me. You teach 24 hours a week and often at odd late night/early morning times to accomodate the audience- I'm used to that! Problem is it's a consulting firm and I've heard those to be a serious killjoy in terms of corporate culture. John is right to just go for the opportunities and then turn things down if they are not the right fit. I think this week I will apply for that position as well as the computer trainer position. Could be nice to just teach end users and not highly technical folks.

Emi and I went and got her some art supplies for her Reflections project. The theme is My Favorite Place and she is painting a picture of her friends house. She is working hard on the grass! We scored on a huge art set for $25. She couldn't be happier with it!

Watched Cast Away last night and got to thinking about his friend Wilson the volleyball. People do need social networks. Isolation is not healthy for humans. I think that this blog is a bit like having a pal Wilson to just share the events of the day with. With that, I might have to start writing Dear Wilson at the top of each blog. Isn't Wilson really just my alter-ego? I really am simply writing to myself aren't I?

Wilson, if you were going to write a novel what would it be about? The thought I always have are the tragic turned beautiful like someone losing a loved one and out of that coming something even better than life could have turned if that had not happened. I also like th family dramas with the interesting, random characters.

Sorry, Wilson, being paged by my daughter -- back later.


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