Okay friends! Time to blog. What the heck is a blog you ask? It's like an online journal where anyone, anywhere can jot down their thoughts on just about anything free of charge for just about anyone to read.
This blog is my attempt to move from my paper journal to my computer (or I guess, blog). In part a diary for my children thru great-great-grandchildren to read one day and get to know me, in part for my sister to get a daily laugh on my views on things, and, of course, for my friends or anyone wanting to read what a 38 year old married mom has to say. Does blog stand for biographical log? I'm going to check wikipedia now ... hold on ... okay, blog is a contraction for "web log" -- I guess a wlog is too hard to say. I've now also heard of mlog "mobile log" and alog "audio log" -- I suppose allowing you to purge your insights into your cell phone and update your blog. Cool.
So what do I have to say? I'm going to start with this -- journaling. What is it about pouring your brain out on paper? Why, as I get older is it so important to purge in order to feel clear-headed? I think for many years my brain had a liver of sorts that flushed out the toxins. Now, it seems, to even think clearly, without distraction, for 10 minutes is a feat of great proportions. So, journaling, I suppose, is one way to just dump it out there and relieve the mind of it's over consumption (yes, that sounds a lot like my brain binges, but so be it. How can our brains not binge from all of the overstimulation of sights and sounds we take in every second!?)
I'd been kind of restless the last week or so -- PMS yes, but more than that, just a kind of floating from thing to thing, working some, playing some, but not totally here. And it came to me yesterday, that I hadn't written in my journal for about 10 days. Could it be that my mind just sort of ballooned out so far with stuff that I couldn't really anchor into anything? What would happen if I didn't journal for more than 10 days. Good gosh I hate to imagine. So, having journaled yesterday and blogged today I am sharp, sharp, sharp! Can't you tell?
That's all for now - maybe some more thoughts later. Tomorrow's topic might possibly be this headline in the Seattle Times today "Bikes for Needy Children Accidentally Scrapped" and the question - why do these things happen?