Dear Wilson

Monday, November 27, 2006

Dear Wilson,

I had the most fabulous walk today. Cold, crisp, and a light snowfall. Walked past Pine Lake and just took in the glass-like water. What a beautiful scene. Made me feel so happy to be alive!

Started the Christmas shopping already. Got to love going over the Christmas budget with the husband! I haven't had a root canal, but I imagine it's just as fun. Nah, it is one of the first year's that we have been so financially responsible. Feels so good to know what's coming in, what's going out, what's being saved, what's not, and what we are spending every step of the way. With retirement, college, vacations, family experiences, and day to day life, there is just never enough, but much more when you write it all down and plan. I have had to say No a lot this year since we invested so heavily in the house addition, but looking back it really has been worth it and moving forward I know it will get easier.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Holidays are Here

Originally uploaded by 3e.
We see the good and the bad of people this time of year. We also see the difference a few hundred years make and the modernization of these family times. Just at Costco the other day a woman waited for my not so great spot for I think a full 5 minutes while I unloaded my junk out of the cart and into the car. Plenty of spots a longer walking distance away, but no, this woman in her very large SUV, sat and waited for a spot closer. Yes, she would have been parked and inside by the time I scooted out of the spot, but, no! she was not going to budge. Is it any wonder we are terribly overweight around this country!? On the flip side, I'm so happy to be able to make a simple meal and not to have to actually kill and pluck the turkey to celebrate tomorrow. I guess we have to take the good and the bad in one big helping.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dear Wilson,

Could being an administrative asistant at a large corporation be the perfect job while raising kids? There is a position in Bellevue at a big company -- with my background I think I could swing a 30 hour a week position. Catering, org charts, scheduling meetings and "tracking assets" seems blissful in a feminist world of "you must be more do more reach higher!" I imagine it could get a little boring, but at a decent wage, what's not to like? Arrive at 9:30, let the sales and technical people carry the stress of the day, while I field calls from the local deli trying to get my business for our next meeting. Or, having Joe Salesman, hand me his expense report to fill out and turn in. I can't imagine it would be as rewarding as being self-employed, but at this time in my life do I need rewarding??? I can see 5 years out that rewarding job will become priority, but reliability and consistency are starting to edge that out now. To "check in/check out" returning home each night without the pressure of advancement or learning new skills or pursuing a larger challenge just doesn't sound bad at all.

Yes, I'm sure Gloria Steinem is concerned.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dear Wilson,

In an effort to learn about all that is Web 2.0, the kids helped me youtube them. Here it is! Fame in the making! Grandparents, you should enjoy this!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Visit to Sisters

Sisters 2
Originally uploaded by shaletann.
We drove yesterday, the long way from Seattle to Boise, but the kids now have so much electronicity that the hours pass a bit more quickly. Through Yakima and Pendleton and all the way here. We are delivering the 93 Jeep that I bought back when I started working for Informix. It was such a huge purchase! It's a great little car. So happy it is staying in the family. And it's so great to be here!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Dear Wilson,

I am learning so gosh darn much about blogging and enjoying it tremendously! I've blogged a photo, I've blogged a YouTube video (yes, the cute baby) and now I'm offering some interactivity with a poll:

If you are reading this you must be:
My Mother
My Father
My Sister
My Brother
Another Family Member
A Friend
A Random Reader of my Blog
Free polls from

There is just no way you can't giggle along with this ...

Dear Wilson,

I just read something great.

Steve Jobs' spoke at commencement in 2005

Best advice I've read in a while! Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Amish, Lancaster county

Amish, Lancaster county
Originally uploaded by Franco Folini.
I read this week that the Amish have nearly no depression. So interesting. What might be the main reasons for this? Depression stems from a lack of hope and meaning. Clearly the societal structure must provide a sense of hope for each individual. Perhaps modern society provides too many choices and with lack of structure causes people to not feel connected?

Dear Wilson,

Outcomes Before Methods

Writing your obit is no different than focusing on outcomes in a learning environment. As a teacher, I am constantly reminding myself to focus on what the end result is to be and that guides my way. Writing your own obit is just the same. By seeing the end you are better able to pick the path that goes there.

These last few years have been such an incredible blessing for me:

1. I've been home full time to raise my kids!
2. I've earned enough to supplement the family income, expand our house, and live in a wonderful area!
3. I've had the flexibility to pursue and learn about what I'm passionate about!
4. I've been able to put a walk a day as priority as high as eating lunch!
5. I've been able to help save an emergency fund for my family.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dear Wilson,

My sister just sent me her obituary she wrote in April 06:

You'll have to call her for it ...

Save Yolks for Custard

Dear Wilson,

This is the title of my new novel -- to be written when I am fifty and my kids are in college and I have oodles of time to sit, ponder, write. I called Mom for Grandma's cornflake cookie recipe last night. Jack and I both had a craving for them. I think they are called macaroons, but if you say that to a kid they don't get eaten. Mom had the recipe and read it over the phone to me. It takes 3 egg whites and at the end of the directions she said, "Oh, and save the yolks for custard." This put us both in a fit of giggles. Each of which is commentary on modern mothering today.

#1 -- Today's Mothers Have a Lack of Culinary Skill .... For me to even crack the egg in such a way that I don't end up with yolks mixed in is a feat in itself.

#2 -- Recycle and Reuse is a great thought, but not practical ... For me to actually save and then remember and then reuse egg yolks is so far fetched I am more apt to grow and egg from a seed in my yard.

#3 -- The days of Grandma's recipe notes is long over. Yes, I have a collection of recipes that I've written down, commented on, but generally when I'm going to make something I check the internet, print, discard.

Now I hope my sister will comment on this!