Dear Wilson

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dear Wilson,

Here I am again! I told you I'd start writing again...

I just got off the phone with a gentleman that is looking for some certification resources. Right up my alley. Sounds like it would be a very lonnnng 3 weeks of work, but hey, I could do it! We had fun chatting up the world of cert ... interesting that it actually hasn't moved along that quickly since I jumped out of the business. He seemed like someone I'd enjoy working with - very soft spoken, diligent, kind. Am also talking with the big boss of the other company later this week. If they only have part-time for me, that would be fine and I could offset that with the certifcation work and the rest eI moving BIG time into the HE space. YES! My goal is net 5000 per month this year .... and away we go!



At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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